Treatment & Services

At Lidcombe Physiotherapy we provide goal-focused, personalised and professional treatment for a reasonable fee.  A typical treatment session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes and involves the following:


1. Assessment

Thorough assessment and history taking to determine how and why your injury occurred and how it is impacting on activities of daily life.


2. Examination

Physical examination of the injury, assessing and recording joint range of movement, pain region and severity, limb circumference measurements, swelling measurement,  joint mobility tests, ligament tests, and muscle tests.  This provides baseline measurements prior to treatment. Diagnosis is then determined and a treatment plan is devised and discussed. 


3. Treatment

We provide evidence based, safe and effective treatment protocols such as hands-on treatment  which may include joint mobilisation, manipulation, and traction.  Soft tissues are treated with PNF stretching, deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy.  Exercises are an essential part of the overall treatment regime and every patient is instructed on the most specific and appropriate exercises for their problem.  Biomechanical and posture correction may also be provided within the treatment session. Electromedical technology may also be used if appropriate (especially to alleviate pain or swelling).  For example, ankle sprains with swelling and bruising benefit from the use of Dynamic Compression Therapy to achieve immediate reduction of swelling in the lower limb, enabling increased ankle range of movement, promoting circulation and healing.  We use the latest Pulse Press designed and manufactured in the United Kingdom. To accelerate the healing process of soft tissue injuries, Lidcombe Physiotherapy has recently acquired the Primo Therasonic Ultrasound unit.  Manufactured in the UK, this device uses integrated evidence-based algorithms and clinical protocols to calculate precise ultrasonic treatment dosages. This is unique, cutting edge technology.


4. Home programme

Exercises are a vital part of the overall management of your condition.  All patients are given a comprehensive home programme which includes specific exercises focused on restoring them quickly and safely to pre-injury status.  Patients are also given advice on do’s and don’ts, what to avoid or limit, and depending on the problem, postural and ergonomic advice and instruction.

At the end of the session, baseline measurements are again taken and recorded to quantify your response to treatment.  The initial treatment is not just focused on relieving your symptoms and restoring movement and function, but also aims to identify the root cause of the problem and provide knowledge, advice and the approach to avoid re-injury or recurrence.


All assessments and treatments are provided by Gerard Essey B.App.Sc.Phty MAPA.  Gerard has over 25 years of experience and expertise in treating virtually every musculoskeletal condition from minor strains and sprains to complex neurological and post-orthopaedic surgical conditions.  All patients receive the same quality of care and commitment to achieve the best possible outcome.



Lidcombe Physiotherapy accepts all patient categories:

Private Patients

Whether you are in a health fund or not, a doctor’s referral is not necessary to attend for physiotherapy treatment.  If you are in a private health fund, you will be able to claim your rebate directly via our HICAPS terminal at the time of treatment.  If you are attending with a medical referral, we liaise with your doctor regarding treatment provided and progress made.  Please bring any X-rays or diagnosis test results as well as a list of your current medications.


Workcover Patients

The Centre accepts Workcover patients and sends the account for treatment directly to the insurance company.  Patients will require a claim number and a medical referral prior to attending.


Medicare – Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Patients

In certain circumstances, patients may be eligible for up to 5 physiotherapy sessions per calendar year under the Medicare Enhanced Primary Care Programme.  You will need to discuss this with your General Practitioner to determine whether you qualify.  If so, please bring a specific EPC referral from your doctor together with your Medicare card.  No gap payment is charged.


Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Patients

We accept CTP patients (motor vehicle or pedestrian injuries) as long as they have a medical referral, claim number and insurance company approval to commence physiotherapy.  The insurance company is billed directly for the treatment.


Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Patients

DVA patients require a current medical referral to receive physiotherapy treatment under the DVA scheme.  The Department of Veterans’ Affairs pays for treatment and no gap payment is charged.